Boracay Activities

Sailboat charter – Boat & Paraw rental Boracay

For people who want to reward themselves

Exlusive sailing - What does it mean?

Exclusive sailboat charter on Boracay Island, means, it's all for you. No other people. Small groups of sailing guests (up to 6) on Boracay Islands most beautiful and most seaworthy Paraw sailboat. Exlusive boat rental also means, to sail away from commercial areas and to go, where very few people go.

Our services

Our hostess will meet up with you at your Boracay hotel. She'll bring maps of possible routes to sail, according to the local weathherreport for your desired sailing day. She will take your special wishes for foods and communicate it to the restaurant of your choice. In case you prefer to barbeque on the beach, our hostess will help you with the shopping of fresh goods on the market. Our hostess will come sailing with you to care for your complete wellbeeing during your perfect day under sails.

The choices of sailing- activities

Our very best choice is Island hopping, our prefered place is Carabao Island. Why? Carabao Island is the lonely place where you find peace of mind. It's clean, not overrun by tourists and we know a great place to have excellent foods.Also wedo know secret hideaways for snorkeling where you'll have the feeling, noone has ever been there before. Also the ways to sail to Carabao are very attractive.

What don't we offer?

We do not offer trips like „all you can drink and“ eat as well as to go to places, where this kind of „philosophy“ is celebrated. We prefer silent tourism, real sailing as well as ecological correctness. No noise, no garbage, no gasoline- smells. Simply sailing. We do have an inboard engine, but it is only used, if really needs to be as well as for emergency situations and for your safety.

From Island hopping to sunset sailing

From Island hopping, hourly rental, team building, family sailing, over long term- charter to sunset sailing – we offer it all.

Are there cheaper ways do do Island hopping?

Of course there is always someone, offering a better price. But for what? You will find bargains for much less on boats with an engine and up to 20 guests on board. You also will find one or the other captain with a much smaller, less comfortable and much less safe sailboat, who will offer cheaper rates. We do not compete in pricing with anybody.

Prices, usually have a reason.

We will be glad to welcome you on board.

Professional communication

You can count on our professional handling all the way. Inqirys will be answered quickly. You can stay in touch via landline from your hotel. If you like, you can pre- SKYPE with us for any questions you may have. Mobile phones are i use most of the time. (In case we are on the open sea, maybe for short periods of time we're out of reach) Just email in that case - we'll get bak to you quick as possible.

4,5/5 stars (1426 Votes)
4.5 5 1426
Boracay Activities